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Insights from Bobby Jones Links

The Two Golden Rules of Construction and Renovation

Whitney Crouse

Our company and leadership team have overseen the development of at least $350 million in golf course and clubhouse construction and renovation. We have worked with many of the most notable architects and contractors along the way.

The construction or renovation of a golf course or clubhouse is always exciting. It’s fun to see a project come to life. Visions become a reality: one cubic yard, one bushel of Bermuda grass sprigs, and onebrick at a time.

Yet, despite all our success and experience in this arena, we also occasionally bump into the same two challenges - the same two everyone else in the industry does as well:

1. It always takes longer than you think it will.
2. It always costs more than you think it will.

You might say this is poor planning. But, in golf course
and clubhouse development, there are many variables and unknowns out of one’s control, particularly when the work is spread across 150 to 200 acres. Some classic offenders are adverse weather, uncovered artifacts, unexpected rock, erosion control issues, approval delays, arbitrary inspectors, storm washouts, environmental issues, and turf diseases.

And, of course, the Hall of Fame budget and time killer, the change order.

The solution is to be aware of these and plan for them. It begins with a generous contingency—at least 10% of the total cost. It also includes planning ahead for delays, interruptions, and surprises.

The good news is that construction and renovation are always exciting and always worth navigating the unknowns that come your way. What could be more fun than building or renovating a golf course or clubhouse?

Minimizing these risks also includes hiring experienced professionals who have done this many times, like Bobby Jones Links.

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